Banarhat College

Banarhat Kartik Oraon
Hindi Government College

Affiliated To University Of North Bengal

Mission, Vision & Goal


The college aims to establish itself as an outstanding higher education institution, offering top-notch educational opportunities to students from underdeveloped surrounding areas. To achieve this goal, the college must provide exceptional academic resources and infrastructure facilities to all its students. The institution envisions creating an empowering, responsive, and enabling academic environment that prepares a significant number of its students for success in various employment opportunities. Furthermore, it strives to cultivate responsible and responsive citizens who will contribute to building a sustainable physical and social environment for the region and the nation as a whole.


Banarhat Kartik Oraon Hindi Government College aims to acts as a bridge to end the language barrier for students whose native language is Hindi by providing wide range of resources in Hindi Language. The College is committed to ensuring equitable access to higher education, especially for underprivileged and marginalized segments of society. It aims to encompass aspiration, educational excellence, system leadership, social mobility, and cohesion for its learners. The institution prioritizes the cultivation of human qualities and intellectual transformation by offering five humanities and social science subjects to meet the diverse needs of students from different castes, genders, creeds, and religions. It strives to instill a creative, socially aware, and ethically sensitive self among students by emphasizing co-curricular activities, mental health, and well-being. The college focuses on value-based education and encourages students to participate in extension activities. It regularly monitors teaching methodology and teaching outcomes, upgrading physical infrastructure and modernizing teaching aids to ensure continuous improvement. The college ensures that ambitious and career-oriented students discover pathways to future self-advancement and economic self-sufficiency through outreach programs. It fosters research and innovation while cultivating an ideal academic and social environment, instilling a sense of nationalism within the institute. The college aspires to become a distinguished hub of education, harmonizing traditional values with the brilliance of modern knowledge.
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